Ok I am going to fill you in on whats been going on since my graduation.. :) Oh wait!! Yall dont even have pictures of my graduation!!!
Fixing my hair in the car window.
This is how I decorated my hat for my parents could find me..
Greyson and I before I leave him to go to my little holding room just before the Graduation.
Getting my diploma.
Fixing my hair in the car window.
Greyson and I at Ninfas after Graduation.
My pictures after we ate..
Ok the next pictures are from christmas time. Ladd and I went to a wacky tacky Christmas sweater party with a bunch of Ladd's friends. It was fun seeing everyones crazy nasty tacky sweaters!!
Our tacky sweaters..

These are pictures of Greyson. We got creative and had him pose with Christmas tree orniments.
ooooooh so pretty!!
Playing cards with Grandma Haehn, "what she got G?"
He was all tuckered out after opening all his presents..
The next morning Ladd went hunting with my little brother and when I got up around 9ish this is what i found.. soo cute..
He always has tongue hanging out or has his hands a praying!!
His Christmas outfit.. So adorable.. :)
My little Cousin Luke holding Greyson
Greatgrandma Haehn with her two little babies.
Ok so it took me close to 2 hours to get all these pictures on here. I have got to figure out how to make it go faster. Anyways, I will continue more downloads soon, hopefully tomorrow.. Greyson is growing like a weed and turns 4months on sunday! He is growing up so fast! I was printing out pictures for my mom the other day of G from day 1 and there was one picture of him in his crib and he sleep positioner swallowed him. Now he makes that thing look tiny!! So he is definately growing out of his 0-3 month clothes. He is now in size 2 diapers and he has fat rolls gallor!! We are both losing our hair. He has a bald spot on the back of his head and its so sad because he is starting to look a little bald everywhere. Me on the other hand is just losing hair because all post pardom moms lose the hair they didnt when they were pregnant. Or thats what Parenting magazine said anyways. So I am losing hair by the hand fulls and I HATE IT!! Ugh.. anyways, I will have 3 month pictures up soon. :)
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