Monday, June 30, 2008

A Weekend in Taylor

Well sorry I havent updated AGAIN in so long. I have been studying super hard this past week for my finals today. Which I feel like ripped me a new butt hole!! :( Ok for starters, last night I don't know why but I DIDN'T sleep at all. I went to bed probably around 12:30 so I could get up around 4 to study more. Well I laid down, buuuut I don't think I ever fell asleep. I was so worried about my finals and the for some reason I just kept thinking I didn't study enough. AND on top of that my back was killing me!! So I "woke" up around the time Ladd left for work at like 3:30 am. I tried studying here but decided to go to IHop and eat and study till my test. By the time my Statistics final came around my brain was dead and I don't even remember taking that final! The only thing I do remember was every work out problem the answer was there. So I must of been doing something right :)

Alright this past weekend we decided to go to Taylor to Ladd's parent's house to do stuff for the baby. While Ladd stayed in Taylor, his mom and I went to Austin to go shopping for fabric for the baby's room. His mom is going to make the bedding and whatnot for the crib and its going to look amazing because we picked out some great colors and patterns!! :) I'm super excited about it all!!

While we were in Austin, Ladd and his Dad stayed back and cut out letters for the baby's name. Well Ladd got a little crafty and went over board and made a great wall hanging. It took him longer than expected and we didn't leave until late Sunday instead of Saturday night. Which is ok because everything looks great!!

Ladd and his dad cutting out the letters at Eric's wood/cabinet shop.

I volunteered to help paint the letters but the brush I was using wasnt doing it for Ladd so I was soon kicked off of painting. His brush made it look more rustic I think..??

The finished product. We have no idea where we are going to hang it but it looks really awesome!!

On the other hand, Ladd's mom went overboard AGAIN and went baby crazy! She went to a garage sale of her really good friend's and bought TONS of clothes that all look brand new!! Apparently everything was only worn like once or twice. Some haven't even been worn at all!! So we have at least 40+ outfits now and I'm so excited. I cant wait to get back from dinner and hang them all. Mrs. Moehnke even went crazy when we went to Babies-R-Us and bought a great swing! Everything is slowing coming together piece by piece and its getting so close!! 3 MONTHS and counting..

Ok and another thing that has happened and I haven't wrote about it yet. We bought a CRIB!! Yay!! Well when we first took it out of the box the back sleigh part was scratched and dented and it looked like poo!! Seriously, but Ladd was like we can make it work and I was like no we paid for this and I want it to look new not used and banged up. So we went back to Target for something and I wanted to see if we could do any thing about it and the customer service lady had that I don't care attitude and totally pulled a crib off the shelf and took the pieces we wanted out of it and said we could just take them and not worry about bringing back the other ones. So we have extra parts just in case something happens.. Yay!! Now all we need is the bedding but we have to wait because Ladd's mom is making it all!! Yay!

Ladd is putting together the crib. For some reason there was only one yellow bar for the bottom and we had no idea what the significance was, so we put it in the middle just in case it was "stronger" or something..??

The baby crib.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Ok everyone that attends college knows that graduations is sooo exciting!! Well all I can think about is having Jellybean in October, then being able to graduate in December!! Ok so nobody really thinks about the downside of graduation. SCHOOL LOANS!! Oh yeah they lurk with all of us or at least with me. Well a lot of my lenders think I have already graduated bc my expected graduation date was suppose to be in May. Well if you have attended Texas A&M NOBODY graduates on time!! NOBODY!!! Well I got my first repayment book in the mail for 2 loans that where consolidated. HAHA!! Made me cry, literally. Don't know if its the hormones from being pregnant or what but the amount in the top right corner under the words Amount Due scared the living day lights out of me. If just 2 of my loans (which have been consolidated into one) will cost this much each month, I really don't want to know how much all my other loans consolidated will be a month. Oh man this really overwhelmed me I freaked out!! The only thing I could think of was the phrase: STAY IN SCHOOL!! haha!! I wasn't going to go to Nursing school right after I graduated. I wanted to stay home and take care of Jellybean for at least a semester or two, then Apply for Nursing school in spring 09 making me attend classes hopefully by Fall. I just don't know if I will be able to handle a growing family plus extra school loans and me not really having a job. So I am seriously considering going to Nursing school immediately after graduation, so we can get on our feet (with Ladd's job) before we have to start on my school debt nightmares!! I mean as soon as I finish Nursing school, I don't think I will be overwhelmed and we (Ladd, me and Jellybean) will be able to handle everything way better considering we will be well on our way to nesting and finding a permanent home/town. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dr. Appt @ 24 weeks

Ok so my day started off good!! Yay.. 8am I found out my grade to that super hard test, 73, which is A~M~A~Z~I~N~G!!! Concidering the average was I think 79 ish?? So relieved because I just knew it was going to be super bad.

Alright Jellybean news. Well I have yet to treat my self to that yummy drink you have to drink for diabetes testing. That comes next time and Im not looking forward to it. And all I can say about weight gain, Im healthy :) Everything else looks amazing too!! Jellybean's heart is beating very well and my blood pressure is good. Jellybean weighs approximately 1 pound and 6 ounces. Dr. Smith said that by this he is a week off due date, the computer calculated with all the measurements and weight that the due date will be Oct. 1st!! Which is fine with me thats just 2 weeks sooner I get to see my baby!! Yay!! Just everything went real well today and I am a happy camper!! :) :):):) Here are some ultrasound pics. Im not putting up new belly pics till the beginning of the month. So here are Jellybean's snap shots at 24 weeks (but in reality 25!!!)
Ok so the top left 2 are just pictures of his face and right hand. The top right 2 are pictures of his long spinal cord (top) and his leg and foot (bottom). Then the center 2 you really cant tell but the top one contains the sex. Kinda have to bare with me while I explain it. He is sitting Indian style kind of with his legs out to the left. You can see his two butt cheeks on the right side of the screen. Well there is a small protruding thing in between the two butt cheeks. :) Yeup hes a boy alright!! The ultrasound tech said that he will be a proud man :) :) Haha. And the bottom picture is just a really cool one because you can see his hand and every bone in it!! Kinda looks like a foot on the right side.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Over the first Hurdle..

Ok so I have NEVER studied so hard in my life. LITERALLY spent 2 days in the library. While everyone else was out doing summer things i.e. the lake or swimming pool or just being lazy, I was at WCL Friday night, ALL DAY Saturday AND Sunday!! I'm not going to complain too much because I did know majority of the test. Its just I was so scared of this test, which was in my Human Diseases class, one of the hardest classes of my major (the other one being Drugs taught by the same prof). Anyways I feel pretty confident about it but I know whats probably going to happen!! I feel amazing about what I had accomplished and then when I get my test back its going to have a big fat D on it!! Hate those moments, but I'm going to keep my spirits up bc I really think I did well.

Anyways, as soon as I got home from my test I laid down with relief and slept till 130 and then I went to Yoga at 2 :) And after that I came back home and fell back to sleep. Haha.. Yeah if it wasn't for the pool of drool I was laying in I probably would be still asleep. :) But over all I say it was a good nap :) Now I'm probably not going to be able to go back to sleep. Oh well at least I'm caught up on sleep.

Ok some Ladd news. Well he worked his last week of nights last week, Wednesday being his last morning. We kinda didn't see each other very much over the past few days bc like I said I lived at the library. Well while I was at WCL, Ladd went riding with my little brother a few times. Never thought I would see the day when Ladd would come back from riding HURTING!! Apparently, I didn't get the whole story, Ladd wiped out pretty good. Sad to say my little brother did too and has a huge strawberry on his back/shoulder from it. Anyways, Ladd had to leave Sunday morning early to catch a flight in Houston to go to Odessa for a week in Logging school. :( I miss him dearly considering I didn't get the normal week off with him. Usually I can handle it but having barely 1 full day bw weeks wasn't enough. But he comes back Saturday afternoon and I cant wait to see him!! Oh did I forget to mention the fact he will be missing tomorrows ultrasound. Yeah I'm 24 weeks and this was suppose to be the big one if we didn't already peek. He is going to miss it and I'm super bummed about it. I don't like going alone so I asked my close friend Jennifer to come with me and she is super excited!! Hopefully I can bring the video from the last ultrasound and they can tape it so Ladd can watch when he gets back.

Anyways, Ill have more Jellybean news tomorrow after the Doctors appointment. :) And lets keep our fingers crossed that the 17week ultrasound was right and Jellybean is still a boy!!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

So this past weekend we were suppose to go to Rockport. Well after actually looking how far it was and how EXPENSIVE gas is, we decided not to go. :( Instead we had a pretty laid back weekend in Houston with our friends Brad and Ragan, ALWAYS a nice hotel with great amenities!! :)

Well, Friday night Ladd and I cooked. Actually I cooked and Ladd just 'mashed' potatoes. He is always a good help when it come to the not so joyous things, i.e. peeling a SACK of potatoes. Well we bought a pork tenderloin and it said to only cook it for about 40 minutes. Well Ive never cooked one before so after 40 min only the outside was cooked completely raw in the middle. So dinner didn't happen till around 10 because we had to cook it for an extra hour. :(

Saturday morning I slept in while Ladd and my little brother, Ryan, went to Lake Bryan to ride bikes. When they got back Ladd and I headed to Houston. Later that day we went to Katy Mills Mall to go to Bass Pro Shop. It was fun because we all got a chance to look at baby clothes together at different baby stores. :) The funniest thing is when you hear Brad say in the cutest, highest pitch voice, "Awe, Isn't this just the cutest!!" Then we went swimming at Ragan's parents house. Do have to say, it felt AMAZING!

Sunday was kinda super lazy day. Again I slept in. When I got up and when the Jamesons got home from church, we all went out to eat at Willie's Ice House. Later we watched some good Aggie Softball :) WHOOP! After every ones nap, we took the dog to the "Canine Recreational Center." (Park- bc Rudder goes nuts even if you spell out Park) It was super hot but DaKota and Rudder had tons of fun swimming and playing fetch. Then when the dogs out lasted/ran Brad, we all headed back to cook dinner and watch the rematch game of the Florida Gators vs. Texas A&M Aggies. We won :) "We goin' to the SHIP, We goin' to the SHIP!!" Late that night after the game Ladd and I drove home and I passed out after a good Palmer's "Stretch Mark" Lotion rub down. :) Thanks to my wonderful Fiance!! :) Love him!!

Jellybean Baby Bump Update
Not much change. :(