Ok so Ladd's Mom and I needed to go to Hobby Lobby to grab a few last minute things for the wedding. Well Greyson had been fussy so I had taken him out of his carseat and put him on his tummy over the back of his seat where he is facing forward. He was super happy.. Well I had my arm/elbows in his seat to make sure he wouldnt topple over. When we got up to the cash register things got hectic, G was grabbing for things and we had so much stuff in the cart. Well I had lifted my arm/elbow for a short second and down went G. I didnt see it happen but Ladd's Mom caught G by the ankle and he stopped short of hitting bottom but he still managed to scratch his head pretty good. While all this was happening, Connie's tea she had just bought went all over the floor making a huge sticky mess!! But it didnt take him long before he started screaming bloody murder and a bunch of older ladies come running!! It was so embarrassing making me feel like a bad mother.. :( Anyways I got some pictures of Greyson's first boo-boo.

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