Ok so in a nutshell Life got busier.. Didnt think that could happen but it did!! I started school again so I can work on getting certified to teach in a different subject since they took Health out of the requirements to graduate. So Im taking a Microbiology class at Lonestar and I LOVE IT!! I think thats what I want to teach, Biology :) Ok since I started substituting on my days I dont have class, Ladd and I decided to start Greyson in Daycare. (and because he was getting way to much of a mommies boy/clingy/antisocial) The first couple of days at daycare were brutal for him and me!! But for the first time today I picked him up and he didnt cry when he saw me (because he was happy to see me not because he wanted to stay). He kept playing!! I was so proud of my little man and how well adapted he has gotten. The teacher said she can tell when they are getting used to everything because they take longer naps!! He slept 2 1/2 hours today!! yay!! He is growing up!! I miss him to death during the day but I absolutely love the art work he brings home.. I am going to make a art wall for him!! :) Make it a "About Greyson" wall.. :)
Other things that have happened. Well the first weekend in February (my birthday) was my Sister-in-laws baby shower. Well Greyson caught a stomach virus that weekend too!! We figured it was just something he picked up and wouldnt be too bad. Well after eating mexican food ladd comes home and get super sick.. Like BAAAAD!! Then saturday during the baby shower while I am writing down the gifts, I get broad sided with the STOMACH VIRUS!! this wasnt a small get together.. Like I had to push my way through a crowed living room of about 50 people (my parents living room is a very large living room) It was aweful!! Then the virus slowly began its way through my family. A couple of days later we found out anyone and everyone at the babyshower had got it!! It was to the point where you didnt eat for days!! I lost 10 lbs!! haha :)
So baby shower was the first weekend in February and on February 25th Baby Kourtni Lillian Haehn was born!! She is GORGEOUS!! Chubby little cheeks and jet black hair!!

Sorry about the picture quality.. They were takin with my Blackberry.
Since the weather has been nice Greyson has been playing outside a lot and his newest facination is bubbles!! He loves them!! OH!! He also is starting to potty train. We arent pushing it hard core yet bc we want him to get used to day care first but I am really going to get after it after spring break, first of April. He is sooo stinkin cute!! He knows what it is and he goes to the bathroom when I say potty.. he also pats his diaper/crotch when i say "Need to potty?" He thinks its exciting!! Which is good!! 

Again with my Blackberry.
Ok so whats on the agenda for the next couple of weeks. Well for springbreak/1 year anniversary we are going skiing in Colorado. Hopefully I can get one romantic candle lit dinner over looking the slopes out of it :) We shall see... But other than that back to substituting, school, and Greyson :) LOVE IT!! :) Cant wait till im a REAL teacher!! :) Subbing has really pumped me about teaching and cant wait to have my own classroom to decorate and my own kids to teach!!
YEAH FOR AN UPDATE! Next week is gonna be fun... I'm looking forward to you guys being here!
Yes! I'm so glad to read an update, too. ;) Hope y'all have so much fun in Colorado. Hug those Masseys for me... :)
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