After a few weeks of praying and asking the good Lord what to do and give me guidance, I came to a realization that Teaching probably wasnt for me, all the signs were there.. About 2 weeks ago I had completely given up and was content with the fact that my resume didnt stand out against all the other 15,000 resumes that were getting sent in from ppl who just needed a job and who went through the same program as I did. Well I kid you not the day after I started looking for another road to travel, Ragan called saying her sister, Taylor, wanted to talk to me about a position that opened in Bryan ISD. I immediately started to cry!! Its not a contracted teaching position but it gets me into the classroom, gives me the experience I will need to make my resume stick out and I get to choose my own schedule!! Its a professional tutoring position, I wanna say it is close to a Co-teach, where I will get my own desk!! :) and best of all I can put my 2 weeks in at Roadhouse soon!! I am going to keep praying that this job will lead into a contracted Teacher because Lord knows I want to teach!! I think the last time I prayed this hard about something, so constant, was when I was waiting on my application for Texas A&M!!
So today I sent in all my paper work and hopefully it will get processed quickly because I am SOOOO eager to start this job!! I want to prove to all those districts I am not here just for a paycheck, that I am here looking for a career, here to give futures to students who need support!!
I forgot to explain earlier about the program I went through. Here in Houston soooo many people have been laid off that they are thinking of quick easy ways to make money. Well its not hard to get into the teaching program Region 4 Alternative Certification Program (ACP), especially if you have a good degree. Well a lot of these corporate laid off people are thinking this is quick and easy and I can do it until I find a job back in my field. Well when districts see the ACP on your resume and transcript, and that is what they are thinking, someone who doesnt really want to teach but just looking for a paycheck.
And yes with my degree I could have done two different things. I could have gone and become a doctor OR I could go and teach Health/Science. As you know my last year of college was filled with massive school load, a newborn and taking time off.. After I graduated I didnt know what I wanted to do other than stay home with Greyson, so thats what I did for a year, Stay at Home Mommy.. That was my 24/7 Job.. After I decided I wanted to come back to work, I started to weigh my options. Yes I wanted to go to nursing school but that would have consumed all my time!! Greyson and my Family are my number ones!!
When I was growing up for my 10th birthday my Grandma took me to Wal-Mart and said I could have whatever at a reasonable price.. You know what I bought? A Dry erase board and markers because I liked to play teacher in my bedroom.. I had found a teacher manual for a science class at a garage sale and I used that to make pretend worksheets and tests. While my brothers were playing video games, I was teaching my pretend class.. So see!! Deep down this is my passion!! Im not that Joe-Blow guy looking for a job bc they need money.. I am that dedicated teacher who wants to spread her enthusiasm and creativity to her students, I want to make futures brighter, I want to show every student that it IS possible to go to college and succeed!! No body will ever know how strong I feel about helping another person in need.
Anyways.. I cant post something without pictures so last month Greyson took his 2 yr pictures and some of them came out soooo CUTE!! 

It seems like just yesterday I was posting pictures in the Hospital. Man he has definitely grown so much and he is talking. I was surprised just the other day he walked up to me asked for apple juice, took my hand and guided me to the cabinet where his cups were. Then just this morning he woke up, bypassed my room, got the cereal out of the pantry, a bowl out of the dishwasher and proceeded to pour himself a bowl of cereal. The rustling of the cereal bag woke me up and I rescued this hungry man of making a mess in the floor of my kitchen. I poured him a bowl and he got his spoon out of the drawer. SO BIG!! I CANT believe he turns 2 in two weeks !! He already acts like he knows how to use a computer, a cell phone, and the TV. He is a smart booger!! I couldnt ask for anything more or less!! He is my world and I never thought I could love an individual so much, sorry Ladd he has one up on you bc he was part of me for 9 months :) But right now I know I could never be happier especially with my two men beside me!! :)
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