Oops I am so sorry for not updating sooner. I kind of been busy. With football games, Astros games, and school I really don't feel like blogging as often. Sorry guys. BUUUT I do have some interesting photos for yall. With our new camera Ladd has been going photo crazy!! Especially trying to figure out all the cool settings and whatnot. But here is a little bit of everything that has been going on in the past... what 2 weeks?
Maybe last week?....
Here is me and DaKota taking a break after biking...
DaKota got hot.. She jumped in the pond and couldnt get out..
Here is where DaKota gets her exercise since she is over weight. She pulls Ladd somewhat.. :)
Here I am on one of Ladd's bikes.. :) Gotta get exercise somehow..
My adorable babys!!
Messing around with the camera.. Couldnt shoot fast enough much less get it into focus bc that dang bee kept moving so stinkin fast!!
My home away from home.. Stinky READ..
A few days later...

This was HILARIOUS!! Dakota sometimes get her ball stuck under the crib and she goes INSANE!! If you have read my last few blogs that ball is the center of her world!! Well the crib is too low for her to go under (unlike the couch) so she just sits there and barks and whines till someone comes and rescues her ball..
Ladd rescuing DaKota's ball.. see how excited she gets!!
Since I cant get down and reach the ball, this is what happens when Ladd isn't around. She just sits and stares at it. At least it keeps her out of my hair. It gets real annoying when she constantly comes up to you and touches you with a slobbery ball and then wont even give it to you to play.. Kind of her own little keep away game..
Ladd finally putting up the name. Since we have announced it to everyone that reads the blog.. :)
Here it is above the crib. We are thinking maybe moving it somewhere else because its so small compared to the crib so we are undecided.. Maybe down closer to the crib?? dunno
Ok so far things have been in chronological order. Anyhoo Saturday was the Aggie football opener against Arkansas State. We got out early around 11ish to tailgate. The day was very hot but fun!! I definitely decided that while I am pregnant there will be no more all day Aggie football events. I was exhausted by the end of the day!! And lemme tell you, I know what a swollen body feels like now :( But I insisted on be a good 12th man and try to attend all festivities that day.. After the band played at half time and we watched the first play of the 3rd quarter I had to leave. I was exhausted. So we walked back to the tailgate, gathered our things and went to Chedders to eat with Julie, Chad and Blake who left at halftime too. After we ate I was so uncomfortable with my back I wanted to swim. So we went to Chad and Julie's to swim. I floated on my floatie while the boys proceeded to get drunk. It was definately a very eventful day.. and the pool felt amazing on my back!! It does wonders you know!!
Our friend Hunter is pretending but he looks so professional at passing out!! He is even still holding his beer!!
Ok a horrible shot of me.. but here is our tailgate party somewhat.. I had a blast and the place was a mess after we left for the game..
I guess before every game they do a spirit walk for the football players and some of the band participates. Well I got some great pictures of the band up close but this was my favorite.. I saw all these boots in a row and thought I could be a cool photographer.. Well it would've been so awesome if i could have squatted more and got closer!!
Jessica, Cayla, Jordyn, and me at the game. I doing my duty as a 12th man by being at the game. May not be able to full fill the duty of a true 12th man but I would've been supportive!! :)
Ladd and I at the game.. I was taking a break from standing.. With swollen feet/ankles and an aching back I sat down during timeouts, breaks, and whenever else they Aggies weren't playing..
Gotta love being an AGGIE!!
Ladd got a progression shot of the fly over but Im only putting one pic up. But here is the flyover during the National Anthem..
Sunday: Astros Game..
Then Sunday morning Ladd's dad had tickets the Astros Game. They showed up around 930 and off we went to Houston. I was so exhausted still from the day before but the Astros game wasn't as bad at the Aggie game. Once we got there, we parked kinda close so the walk wasn't bad. We had 2 extra tickets so Ladd invited our friends James and Bethany along. Thank goodness the park's ceiling was closed bc I would've died if it was open and 100 degrees!! It turned out to be a very nice day and game!!
We had to climb like 3 flights of stairs to get to our seats. Well even though the stadium was air conditioned we were still a little hot. So Ladd's dad bought his mom a nice little fan that lit up "Go Astros" on its blades. His dad always has a great big grin on his face when he is watching the Astros!!
Ladd's brother Eric and sister-in-law Dana joined us at the Astros game too.
Group picture of all us enjoying the nice day at the park..

Anoa got a little sleepy towards the end. And this was even after we shared a thing of cotton candy. I guess the long car ride and the excitement of being at the game wore him out. The cutest part is that he still has a death grip on his free binder !! So cute!! Ok that's all the pictures for the last 2 weeks. I know its the beginning of the month and people are anxious for baby bump pictures, but we are busy with dove season. We plan on going to Taylor tomorrow after our doctors appointment and dove hunt. I will possibly have baby bump pics up by Monday. Sorry guys and Ill give you a bonus!! An update on what Greyson is doing!!
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