Ok so I just got back from the vet with DaKota. Everything went GREAT except it cost us an arm and a leg to get her out!! We went in for her yearly testing and what not and I actually had to catch some of her pee in a cup!! Gross I know!! So after some great results from all the test they did a physical exam. Well lets just say DaKota is a chunky monkey and they put her on a diet!! Haha they gave me a measuring cup for her food and told me only to feed her twice a day (which I already do) and only 1 cup at a time!! Well I compared what I usually feed her and yeah lets just say DaKota never should be starving!! haha.. I feel so bad!! Another thing they told me I had to start doing what brush her teeth!! She has some gingivitis and plaque build up. They said bone chewing helps but brushing definately helps.
Since we got our new camera we have been playing around with it so much. And since the baby isnt here yet we have been taking tons of pictures of DaKota! Diva in the spot light!! haha here are some great pics of my spoiled dog!!
This is her with her two favorite toys. Her chew bone and her orange ball. This wont be the only time you will see this ball PROMISE. She constantly has this thing with her. Its like her binky..
See what I mean... Even rests with it!!
She even chews on it like a piece of bubble gum. Its so cute!!
See what I mean... Even rests with it!!
Ladd is becoming quite the photographer.
I took this picture!! Go me!! and yes theres that ball again!! And this was a different day!! Alrighty that it for now. :)
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