Well Guys this was my last home game as a student. WHOOP but yet kinda sad. We tailgated with Ladd's family and friends. My family was there too and it was a blast. Greyson slept the ENTIRE time and barely woke up to eat. Ladd's Dad cooked amazing hamburgers with onions that everyone gobbled up. Even the guys in the tent behind us wanted to swap food so they could have one. Needless to say we got the spot right next to the group that had the sign that said "U HONK WE DRINK" and they had a horn for people to honk as they walked by. And you guessed right, that dang horn was going off every 2 seconds (with little to none exaggeration). Some times someone would get smart and hold it down anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds. Yeah so around noon we began to plot against them and tried figuring out how we could cut the wire to the battery without them seeing us. Haha!! N e ways I joined Ladd at the game around half time only to see a few plays, the band, and one play before TAMU had to give the ball up, then we left. Yeah kinda embarrassed for the Aggies. We lost pretty bad. But all in all the day turned out to be very pretty and everyone had a ton of fun at the tailgate!!

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