Alright Jellybean news. Well I have yet to treat my self to that yummy drink you have to drink for diabetes testing. That comes next time and Im not looking forward to it. And all I can say about weight gain, Im healthy :) Everything else looks amazing too!! Jellybean's heart is beating very well and my blood pressure is good. Jellybean weighs approximately 1 pound and 6 ounces. Dr. Smith said that by this he is a week off due date, the computer calculated with all the measurements and weight that the due date will be Oct. 1st!! Which is fine with me thats just 2 weeks sooner I get to see my baby!! Yay!! Just everything went real well today and I am a happy camper!! :) :):):) Here are some ultrasound pics. Im not putting up new belly pics till the beginning of the month. So here are Jellybean's snap shots at 24 weeks (but in reality 25!!!)

Ok so the top left 2 are just pictures of his face and right hand. The top right 2 are pictures of his long spinal cord (top) and his leg and foot (bottom). Then the center 2 you really cant tell but the top one contains the sex. Kinda have to bare with me while I explain it. He is sitting Indian style kind of with his legs out to the left. You can see his two butt cheeks on the right side of the screen. Well there is a small protruding thing in between the two butt cheeks. :) Yeup hes a boy alright!! The ultrasound tech said that he will be a proud man :) :) Haha. And the bottom picture is just a really cool one because you can see his hand and every bone in it!! Kinda looks like a foot on the right side.
1 comment: cute! Can't wait to see the little guy! :)
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