See what I mean... Even rests with it!!
I took this picture!! Go me!! and yes theres that ball again!! And this was a different day!! Alrighty that it for now. :)
I took this picture!! Go me!! and yes theres that ball again!! And this was a different day!! Alrighty that it for now. :)
While we were playing it started to sprinkle real heavy. I didnt feel like standing in the rain and get all damp and what not so I stood under the unbrella and watched. :)
Sunday rolled around and getting everything ready for the shower was fun!! My little cousin Luke found my mom's ginormous rooster and sat on it like a horse. It was so cute and with my new camera and its fast picture taking I caught the moment!! :)
Even Dana got into the action. We had a little assembly line going.. I bound the flowers and Dana put them on the wrist bands for the corsages. Ok then we had to head back to College Station because I had a final on Wednesday and I was going to spend the beginning of the week in the Library.
Ok this past weekend was the best. We spent Friday thru Tuesday at Ladd's parents house just chilling and having a grand ol' time. I got to help Ladd's Mom (Connie) sew some of my baby room decor (ie crib sheets, bumper pads and pillows). Believe it or not I love to sew and be crafty!!
While I was sewing and doing my thing, Ladd got bored and started to trace and cut out names. We had fun!! And my boa-pillow cover came out amazingly good!! Love it!
Then on Monday Ladd, Connie, and I traveled to Austin to go to Babies-R-Us and other stores looking for baby decorations and whatnot. Well we only ended up buying a changing table pad and a mattress for our bassinet. When we were at BRU we thought it would be a better idea to get a recliner instead of the expensive rocker. Well after driving all over town looking for a furniture store that carried descent recliners, we gave up and decided the rocker would be better for the baby and we could get a recliner later. We order the rocker on Friday!! Thanks to Ladd's parents!! Yay!! So excited!!
Alright now for the moment everyone has been waiting for!! Belly pics!!
Ok so we took a ton of pictures but I'm starting to get stretch marks and my belly button is getting super stretched too so its starting to look super disgusting!! If you look close enough (just to point it out) under my belly and on my "love handles" are the only stretch marks so far. Lets just say Cocoa/Shea butter lotion doesn't really work :( I'm living proof..
Alrighty Ill post again when something exciting happens. Oh this next weekend coming up my mom is throwing Ladd and I a baby shower so look forward to exciting post on Monday!! Just a reminder count down till the first Aggie Football game is coming up!! WHOOP! I'm going to be making overalls these next few days for me and Jellybean so I might post some in-progress pictures of that!! Check back Monday!! Promise something good will be up!!