Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Its Cold outside!!

Well the other night I was watching TV and I had Greyson in his little lounge jumper and I looked at him and caught him watching TV too. His jumper was turned kind of away from the TV so his head was turned towards it. I think its soooo cool he now starting to look at things more rather than just stare off in the distance. He is starting to follow things as they walk by, like me or Ladd even DaKota. Its great!!
Ok so "cold" weather has kinda hit Texas. Well last night I pulled out this cute jacket I got at Once Upon A Child and put his little hat on and he just looked so adorable. I had to take a picture which turned out to be a full fledge photo shoot :) Couldnt resist!!

So Darn CUTE!!
Im just showing you guys the amazing rocker Ladd's parents bought us. Its so big and soft. Love it!! Something that will be around for forever!!
I thought this was cute. They all have red hair and in plaid!! :)

My friend Taylor took this picture and the next few. I was in the kitchen making bottles and she came up to me and said look at these pictures I took.

This one was just a really good looking picture of him. Only if he was sitting up straight. Look how clear his face has gotten. The Doctor said at 6 weeks it will be gone and derned if she was right. 6 weeks and it cleared up!!

So tonight was Greyson's first attempt at eating cereal. I had called my mom and see when we should start. I was worried he might still be too small but my mom said me and my brothers were eating rice the day we came home from the hospital and we are just fine so I thought we should give it a try. According to Gerber your child should be eating level 1 foods when they are an "assisted sitter." I concider Greyson an assisted sitter I guess..

He was real good at taking it too..

Not very messy at all!!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to to let you know that newborns shouldn't have rice cereal or anything other than breast/bottle milk until they are at least 4-7 months old. Not only is it a choking risk, but it is also dangerous to their digestive tracts. Cute baby!

moehnke.est.2009 said...

Do you have a child? I asked my doctor and she said it was fine in moderation. I am a health major and I know the risk too. It just annoys me that ppl think its so bad to do things to babies now days. Our mothers heated our milk in bottles that contained BPA, we were fed table food when we were only weeks old, we were giving water and juice before we were a yr old, we did alot of stuff that is FORBIDDEN now but yet Im still here with NO diseases and I STILL have all my fingers and toes and Im super healthy. So back off mister!!