Ok so yesterday was when I discovered this unusual event. Greyson has been pottied trained for almost a year now, being accident free going on 3 months. Well yesterday he came up to me and said he had to potty and I asked if he needed help and he sternly said no. Well about 5 minutes later I was wondering what was going on so I peeped my head in and saw the most unusual sight. I thought maybe he had fallen in so I went and picked him up and made sure he was ok. Well he said he wasnt done and for me to get out. Well a few minutes later I peep in again and he has "fallen" in again. Thats when I realized he is laid back in the toilet like its a lounge chair. After I asked what he was doing he said this is how he does it everyday <-- Thats the new word he uses for explaining EVERYTHING! Everyday or yesterday. Anyways, I couldnt keep from laughing so hard I cried. I got a good video of asking him all kinds of questions. But pictures can say a 1000 words!! 
When he gets out his entire bottom is wet. And the craziest thing!! He flushes while he is in there. I asked why and he said thats how he cleans his hinny!! Isnt that what a "bide" is?? How and where did he learn to do this? And how does he know that flushing a toilet with his bottom in it will clean his hinny. Seriously?? Is my kid that smart to figure out something like this or just picking up on things I dont know he is watching on TV. Which is Disney channel 98% of the time..!!
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